Recently I wrote another blog/article that Lead Generation/Cold Calling is not dead…it certainly isn’t. The Internet is buzzing with hype with multiple studies, polls that cold calling, lead generation, warm calling, whatever you want to call it, is actually ‘in’ right now. Are you serious?…I can hear you saying…really…yes it is…it’s come back, it’s always been there, but many people are either too lazy, too scared or just not confident in making that phone call.
I’m not saying “Cold Calling” is the bees knees and that is the only thing you should do when obtaining new business, but combining that strategy with other marketing techniques ie user friendly website, SEO, networking, attending events, advertising, social media, cross promotion etc, but Cold Calling is definitely coming back…
No matter how long you have been in business, it should be part of your marketing strategy. So remember Cold Calling is now hot….steaming hot….it has come into its own….it is not nerdy anymore to incorporate into your business strategy.
Years ago before technology really took over, before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the different social media platforms, even websites. The good old trusty phone was how many business owners did business. You would have to sit there dialing slowly watching the numbers go around, no pressing numbers like we do now on our mobiles, but that is how people made connections, by calling people, talking to them, offering them advice, co-ordinating appointments to see them in person. That real approach to business……
Don’t think it is easy, that’s why clients utilise my services. This is my background, I strategize with every client, look at target markets, revise scripts, revise campaigns, look at what is the clients point of difference to other similar businesses and put together a strategy suitable for that particular client. No strategy is the same, they are all very different and unique.
Remember : ‘Every conversion in business, happens in a conversation’
‘It might be old fashioned to pick up the phone and actually have a conversation with someone, it might be old fashioned to develop relationships this way, but it may be the safest and healthiest way moving forward in this century’
Barbara Burstall – Virtual Business Development Manager
A creative thinker, able to build long-term relationships with prospects, generate new leads, develop new opportunities and helping businesses grow in 2020 and beyond.